Gimme   Heat & Power

Regarding the environment and human impact, Science has two sides. Either way we can do our part to care for the earth. "The CO2 emitted from biomass-based fuels combustion does not increase atmospheric CO2 concentrations, assuming the biogenic carbon emitted is offset by the uptake of CO2 resulting from the growth of new biomass." The United States Environmental Protection Agency, 74 Fed. Reg. 24,904, 25,039 (May 26, 2009).

When we think Heat & Power for your home, business, or commercial space, "Plan B" is becoming "Plan A" for many here in the United States. It is wishing to become un-reliant on fossil energy and big industry in general. It's using new clean energy designs around the carbon cycle that is renewable and the amazing energy stored in cordwood or wood chips.

"Renewable & Sustainable Energy Consulting & systems development"

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- Using built-in-America appliances, expertly crafted and designed to use local biomass energy streams.